Wednesday, May 25, 2016

New Seabury Waterfront Estate Sale on Popponesset Island Sat, May 28th

New Seabury Waterfront Estate Sale
13 Compass Circle
Popponesset Island

Sat, May 28, 8am to 2pm

Antique dutch cupboard, carved settee and stand, camphor-wood chest and other pieces. Leather chair, love seat, campaign and wicker-style bedroom pieces, Chinese urns and furniture, lamps, electric bed, lots of books, deck furniture, canoes, tools, exercise equipment, artwork, including Jacques Bartoli and others, and interesting smalls.  

DIRECTIONS:  No signs allowed. Look for balloons. From Mashpee Rotary:  Enter New Seabury and take 1st left to end, go right, following signs to Mariner, pass over 1-lane bridge, and take first right onto Compass Circle. Please park on right side only, on Compass or one side only of Popponesset Island Road.

Pictures below:

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Orleans: Antique Estate: Second Sale of the May 21st weekend.

Orleans Antique Estate
155 Monument Rd.
Sat 8-1 Sun 9-1
(Parking on-site behind barn and to right of house). 
Antiques of all kinds:  Drop-leaf tables, chairs, bedroom set, old banks, and lots of interesting smalls. Hooked and braided rugs. Primitives, baskets, china, all types of glass,
clocks, crocks, kitchenware, pottery, tools, wide barn board and antique doors, cooking and wood-burning stoves, 17’6” Aquasport (1979 Family Fisherman with 115HP Mariner OB, trailer, + much more!
DIR: Rte 28 to Monument Rd. Please park carefully.